Friday, February 12, 2010

Scouts Brave the Cold and Snow

Several scouts in the Brave Bear Patrol went out today with their Scoutmaster and "Doc" Harris to complete their 5-mile map & compass hike. We drove one vehicle down to the Coker Creek Falls and then took another down near the Coker Creek campground areawhere the trailhead begins. The Coker Creek Trail is only 4 miles long, so we hiked down the John Muir Trail portion of the Benton MacKaye about a h a lf-mile to reach the beautiful overlook high above the Hiwassee River. "Doc" talked to us about how many gallons per minute were rushing down the river and we all s aid how we'd love to be in kayaks charging down the river.

As we began hiking back down towards the Coker Creek Trail (CCT), we began to see small flurries of snow drifting their way down to earth. By the time we stopped for lunch around Mile #4, there was already about an inch of snow on the ground. The boys worked hard to learn how to orient their maps, and repeatedly took bearings on multiple points until their taskmasters (aka Scout Leaders) felt that they were finally learning how to use their compass. The Coker Creek Falls were beautiful, as the river swollen from recent rains cascaded over the rocks below. The scouts hiked way ahead of their leaders, and continued to leave us markers on the trail, like the man from "Journey to the Center of the Earth." As the snow continued to fall, they began writing these directional marks in the snow with humorous notes like "Here Lies Silas" or "Lucas ==>" The scouts had a blast on the trail but were reminded that next time, they should check out the weather before going and make sure that their jackets could truly zip up.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Snow in the Mountains

Jan-7, 2010

It's snowing again here in the Tennessee mountains. We just learned last night that our elevation (1600) is the same as Gatlinburg (1672). No wonder neighboring Murphy NC at 1700 has a closer weather forecast to us.

The snow isn't much compared to my brother in Nebraska or work teammates in Montreal, but it's fun for us. We'll enjoy it while it lasts and pray for safety for all who drive out on the roads. One of our local high school buses wrecked this afternoon while transporting kids. Fortunately only a few windows were broken and no kids were injured.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

2009 Woodruff Summer Camp

This summer Troop 116 is gonig to Woodruff Scout Reservation in Blairsville, Georgia
We've prepared a 6-page troop newsletter to give you the key information you'll need.

How to Reach Your Son
Woodruff Scout Reservation
"Scout's Name"
Troop 116: Week # 6
10387 Boy Scout Road
Blairsville, GA 30512

Camp Emergency Phone (Program Office) The following phone number is for emergency contact only. After hours it goes to a recording that will be checked the next morning. (706) 745-2700.
Camp Fax Number. The following fax number is for summer camp business only. (706) 835-2823

Directions to Woodruff

Bring on Sunday:
1. Gear in Rubbermaid Tub
2. Sleeping Bag—separate from tub
3. Medical Form
4. Whitewater Permission Form
5. Merit Badge books
6. Money—$20-40 for spending
7. Money—for MB materials
8. Money—$23 for Class B T-shirts

FORMS (click link to download)
· Honor Troop Award
· Scouting Traditions Challenge
Summer Camp Packing List
· Woodruff Grace / Prayer
· Whitewater Permission Form

Woodruff Links:
YouTube - Woodruff Scout Reservation Summer Camp
2009 Woodruff Leader Guide

Monday, May 5, 2008

Spring Camporee

Troop places 2nd in 3 categories. There were 11 troops present at the Unaka District Camporee. We placed second in the follow categories:
  • campsite inspection; patrol "dirty dozen' knot-tying competition; pioneering project
For individual knot tying, they tied 5 out of the 7 basic scout knots in under 3 minutes. One of our Scouts (Silas) tied his in 1:26 seconds. The others were around 2:30. The competition winners tied theirs in under 30 seconds. We told our guys they did a great job for only working on knots for two months.

Leadership Development. The boys learned a lot about leadership this weekend, as they were forced by heavy rains and challenging camporee events to work together as a TEAM instead of individuals. Silas and Benwere our SPL/ASPL for the weekend and they improved tremendously. Newcomer, Carson, is hot on their heels with his knot tying and competitiveness. Silas & Ben will have to workhard to stay ahead. The entire Electric Storm Patrol is doing VERY well and we are proud of ALL of them.