Monday, May 5, 2008

Spring Camporee

Troop places 2nd in 3 categories. There were 11 troops present at the Unaka District Camporee. We placed second in the follow categories:
  • campsite inspection; patrol "dirty dozen' knot-tying competition; pioneering project
For individual knot tying, they tied 5 out of the 7 basic scout knots in under 3 minutes. One of our Scouts (Silas) tied his in 1:26 seconds. The others were around 2:30. The competition winners tied theirs in under 30 seconds. We told our guys they did a great job for only working on knots for two months.

Leadership Development. The boys learned a lot about leadership this weekend, as they were forced by heavy rains and challenging camporee events to work together as a TEAM instead of individuals. Silas and Benwere our SPL/ASPL for the weekend and they improved tremendously. Newcomer, Carson, is hot on their heels with his knot tying and competitiveness. Silas & Ben will have to workhard to stay ahead. The entire Electric Storm Patrol is doing VERY well and we are proud of ALL of them.

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